
第10章 リファクタリング

10.1. 没頭しよう

>>> import roman7
>>> roman7.from_roman('') # ①

class FromRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase):
    def testBlank(self):
        '''from_roman should fail with blank string'''
        self.assertRaises(roman6.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman6.from_roman, '') # ①

you@localhost:~/diveintopython3/examples$ python3 romantest8.py -v
from_roman should fail with blank string ... FAIL
from_roman should fail with malformed antecedents ... ok
from_roman should fail with repeated pairs of numerals ... ok
from_roman should fail with too many repeated numerals ... ok
from_roman should give known result with known input ... ok
to_roman should give known result with known input ... ok
from_roman(to_roman(n))==n for all n ... ok
to_roman should fail with negative input ... ok
to_roman should fail with non-integer input ... ok
to_roman should fail with large input ... ok
to_roman should fail with 0 input ... ok

FAIL: from_roman should fail with blank string
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "romantest8.py", line 117, in test_blank
    self.assertRaises(roman8.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman8.from_roman, '')
AssertionError: InvalidRomanNumeralError not raised by from_roman

Ran 11 tests in 0.171s

FAILED (failures=1)

def from_roman(s):
    '''convert Roman numeral to integer'''
    if not s:                                                                  # ①
        raise InvalidRomanNumeralError('Input can not be blank')
    if not re.search(romanNumeralPattern, s):
        raise InvalidRomanNumeralError('Invalid Roman numeral: {}'.format(s))  # ②

    result = 0
    index = 0
    for numeral, integer in romanNumeralMap:
        while s[index:index+len(numeral)] == numeral:
            result += integer
            index += len(numeral)
    return result


you@localhost:~/diveintopython3/examples$ python3 romantest8.py -v
from_roman should fail with blank string ... ok  # ①
from_roman should fail with malformed antecedents ... ok
from_roman should fail with repeated pairs of numerals ... ok
from_roman should fail with too many repeated numerals ... ok
from_roman should give known result with known input ... ok
to_roman should give known result with known input ... ok
from_roman(to_roman(n))==n for all n ... ok
to_roman should fail with negative input ... ok
to_roman should fail with non-integer input ... ok
to_roman should fail with large input ... ok
to_roman should fail with 0 input ... ok

Ran 11 tests in 0.156s

OK  # ②


(訳注: 回帰テスト・・・ソフトウェアの変更後に正常に動作するかをテストする方法)

10.2. 変更要求に対応する


# roman8.py
class KnownValues(unittest.TestCase):
    known_values = ( (1, 'I'),
                     (3999, 'MMMCMXCIX'),
                     (4000, 'MMMM'),                                      # ①
                     (4500, 'MMMMD'),
                     (4888, 'MMMMDCCCLXXXVIII'),
                     (4999, 'MMMMCMXCIX') )

class ToRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_too_large(self):
        '''to_roman should fail with large input'''
        self.assertRaises(roman8.OutOfRangeError, roman8.to_roman, 5000)  # ②


class FromRomanBadInput(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_too_many_repeated_numerals(self):
        '''from_roman should fail with too many repeated numerals'''
        for s in ('MMMMM', 'DD', 'CCCC', 'LL', 'XXXX', 'VV', 'IIII'):     # ③
            self.assertRaises(roman8.InvalidRomanNumeralError, roman8.from_roman, s)


class RoundtripCheck(unittest.TestCase):
    def test_roundtrip(self):
        '''from_roman(to_roman(n))==n for all n'''
        for integer in range(1, 5000):                                    # ④
            numeral = roman8.to_roman(integer)
            result = roman8.from_roman(numeral)
            self.assertEqual(integer, result)

②"大きすぎる入力"の定義が変わりました。このテストでは、to_roman ()を4000で呼び出すとエラーになると想定していましたが、今は4000-4999は正しい値なので、5000までに引き上げなければなりません。

③"多すぎる数字の繰り返し"の定義も変わりました。これはfrom_roman ()を'MMMM'で呼び出すとエラーになることを想定していました。今ではMMMMはローマ数字として成立することになったため、この定義を'MMMMM'に引き上げなければなりません。



you@localhost:~/diveintopython3/examples$ python3 romantest9.py -v
from_roman should fail with blank string ... ok
from_roman should fail with malformed antecedents ... ok
from_roman should fail with non-string input ... ok
from_roman should fail with repeated pairs of numerals ... ok
from_roman should fail with too many repeated numerals ... ok
from_roman should give known result with known input ... ERROR          # ①
to_roman should give known result with known input ... ERROR            # ②
from_roman(to_roman(n))==n for all n ... ERROR                          # ③
to_roman should fail with negative input ... ok
to_roman should fail with non-integer input ... ok
to_roman should fail with large input ... ok
to_roman should fail with 0 input ... ok

ERROR: from_roman should give known result with known input
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "romantest9.py", line 82, in test_from_roman_known_values
    result = roman9.from_roman(numeral)
  File "C:\home\diveintopython3\examples\roman9.py", line 60, in from_roman
    raise InvalidRomanNumeralError('Invalid Roman numeral: {0}'.format(s))
roman9.InvalidRomanNumeralError: Invalid Roman numeral: MMMM

ERROR: to_roman should give known result with known input
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "romantest9.py", line 76, in test_to_roman_known_values
    result = roman9.to_roman(integer)
  File "C:\home\diveintopython3\examples\roman9.py", line 42, in to_roman
    raise OutOfRangeError('number out of range (must be 0..3999)')
roman9.OutOfRangeError: number out of range (must be 0..3999)

ERROR: from_roman(to_roman(n))==n for all n
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "romantest9.py", line 131, in testSanity
    numeral = roman9.to_roman(integer)
  File "C:\home\diveintopython3\examples\roman9.py", line 42, in to_roman
    raise OutOfRangeError('number out of range (must be 0..3999)')
roman9.OutOfRangeError: number out of range (must be 0..3999)

Ran 12 tests in 0.171s

FAILED (errors=3)
①from roman ()の既知の値のテストは'MMMM'になると即座に失敗します。今でもfrom_roman()ではこの値は不正なローマ数字としているからです。




# roman9.py
roman_numeral_pattern = re.compile('''
    ^                   # beginning of string
    M{0,4}              # thousands - 0 to 4 Ms  # ①
    (CM|CD|D?C{0,3})    # hundreds - 900 (CM), 400 (CD), 0-300 (0 to 3 Cs),
                        #            or 500-800 (D, followed by 0 to 3 Cs)
    (XC|XL|L?X{0,3})    # tens - 90 (XC), 40 (XL), 0-30 (0 to 3 Xs),
                        #        or 50-80 (L, followed by 0 to 3 Xs)
    (IX|IV|V?I{0,3})    # ones - 9 (IX), 4 (IV), 0-3 (0 to 3 Is),
                        #        or 5-8 (V, followed by 0 to 3 Is)
    $                   # end of string
    ''', re.VERBOSE)

def to_roman(n):
    '''convert integer to Roman numeral'''
    if not isinstance(n, int):
        raise NotIntegerError('non-integers can not be converted')
    if not (0 < n < 5000):                        # ②
        raise OutOfRangeError('number out of range (must be 1..4999)')

    result = ''
    for numeral, integer in roman_numeral_map:
        while n >= integer:
            result += numeral
            n -= integer
    return result

def from_roman(s):
①from_roman()関数では変更は全く必要ありません。唯一変えたのはroman_numeral_patternです。よく見てみると、最初の部分のオプションMの最大値を3から4に変えています。これによってローマ数字は3999までではなく4999までになりました。実際のfrom_roman ()関数は完全にジェネリックです。つまり、繰り返されているローマ数字文字を探して、何度繰り返されているかは気にせずに単純に足していきます。これまで"MMMM"を扱わなかった理由は1つで、正規表現パターンマッチングで明示的に止めていたからです。

②to_roman()関数は、範囲確認の部分で1つだけ小さな変更が必要です。これまでは0<n<4000を確認していましたが、これからは0<n<5000 を確認します。さらに、エラーメッセージも新しく適用範囲を反映して変更します(1..3999に代えて1..4999)。関数の残りの部分には何も変更する必要がありません。新しい条件も最初から扱うことができるのです。


you@localhost:~/diveintopython3/examples$ python3 romantest9.py -v
from_roman should fail with blank string ... ok
from_roman should fail with malformed antecedents ... ok
from_roman should fail with non-string input ... ok
from_roman should fail with repeated pairs of numerals ... ok
from_roman should fail with too many repeated numerals ... ok
from_roman should give known result with known input ... ok
to_roman should give known result with known input ... ok
from_roman(to_roman(n))==n for all n ... ok
to_roman should fail with negative input ... ok
to_roman should fail with non-integer input ... ok
to_roman should fail with large input ... ok
to_roman should fail with 0 input ... ok

Ran 12 tests in 0.203s

OK  # ①

10.3. リファクタリング







# roman10.py
class OutOfRangeError(ValueError): pass
class NotIntegerError(ValueError): pass
class InvalidRomanNumeralError(ValueError): pass

roman_numeral_map = (('M',  1000),
                     ('CM', 900),
                     ('D',  500),
                     ('CD', 400),
                     ('C',  100),
                     ('XC', 90),
                     ('L',  50),
                     ('XL', 40),
                     ('X',  10),
                     ('IX', 9),
                     ('V',  5),
                     ('IV', 4),
                     ('I',  1))

to_roman_table = [ None ]
from_roman_table = {}

def to_roman(n):
    '''convert integer to Roman numeral'''
    if not (0 < n < 5000):
        raise OutOfRangeError('number out of range (must be 1..4999)')
    if int(n) != n:
        raise NotIntegerError('non-integers can not be converted')
    return to_roman_table[n]

def from_roman(s):
    '''convert Roman numeral to integer'''
    if not isinstance(s, str):
        raise InvalidRomanNumeralError('Input must be a string')
    if not s:
        raise InvalidRomanNumeralError('Input can not be blank')
    if s not in from_roman_table:
        raise InvalidRomanNumeralError('Invalid Roman numeral: {0}'.format(s))
    return from_roman_table[s]

def build_lookup_tables():
    def to_roman(n):
        result = ''
        for numeral, integer in roman_numeral_map:
            if n >= integer:
                result = numeral
                n -= integer
        if n > 0:
            result += to_roman_table[n]
        return result

    for integer in range(1, 5000):
        roman_numeral = to_roman(integer)
        from_roman_table[roman_numeral] = integer

関数のコールはあるのがわかりますが、if文は周りにありません。if __name__ == '__main__'ブロックではなく、モジュールがインポートされるときに呼び出されるのです。

ではbuild_lookup_tables ()は何をするのでしょうか?聞いてくれて嬉しいです。
to_roman_table = [ None ]
from_roman_table = {}
def build_lookup_tables():
    def to_roman(n):                                # ①
        result = ''
        for numeral, integer in roman_numeral_map:
            if n >= integer:
                result = numeral
                n -= integer
        if n > 0:
            result += to_roman_table[n]
        return result

    for integer in range(1, 5000):
        roman_numeral = to_roman(integer)          # ②
        to_roman_table.append(roman_numeral)       # ③
        from_roman_table[roman_numeral] = integer




def to_roman(n):
    '''convert integer to Roman numeral'''
    if not (0 < n < 5000):
        raise OutOfRangeError('number out of range (must be 1..4999)')
    if int(n) != n:
        raise NotIntegerError('non-integers can not be converted')
    return to_roman_table[n]                                            # ①

def from_roman(s):
    '''convert Roman numeral to integer'''
    if not isinstance(s, str):
        raise InvalidRomanNumeralError('Input must be a string')
    if not s:
        raise InvalidRomanNumeralError('Input can not be blank')
    if s not in from_roman_table:
        raise InvalidRomanNumeralError('Invalid Roman numeral: {0}'.format(s))
    return from_roman_table[s]                                          # ②
①先ほどと同じように範囲の境界を確認をしたあとに、to_roman ()関数は単純に適切な値をlookupテーブルから探して返します。



you@localhost:~/diveintopython3/examples$ python3 romantest10.py -v
from_roman should fail with blank string ... ok
from_roman should fail with malformed antecedents ... ok
from_roman should fail with non-string input ... ok
from_roman should fail with repeated pairs of numerals ... ok
from_roman should fail with too many repeated numerals ... ok
from_roman should give known result with known input ... ok
to_roman should give known result with known input ... ok
from_roman(to_roman(n))==n for all n ... ok
to_roman should fail with negative input ... ok
to_roman should fail with non-integer input ... ok
to_roman should fail with large input ... ok
to_roman should fail with 0 input ... ok

Ran 12 tests in 0.031s                                                  # ①


  • シンプルさは美徳
  • 特に正規表現が含まれるとき
  • ユニットテストは、大きなリファクタリングをする自信を与えてくれる

10.4. まとめ



  • 設計するテストケースは具体的で、自動化されていて、独立していること
  • テストするコードを書く前にテストケースを書くこと
  • 正しい入力をテストして適切な結果を確認するテストを書くこと
  • 間違った入力をテストして適切な失敗した結果を確認するテストを書くこと
  • 新しい要求を反映してテストを書きアップデートすること
  • 無慈悲にリファクタリングを実行して性能、スケーラビリティ、可読性、メンテナンス性、その他の性能を改良すること

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